The glitch/synchronicity phenomena appears to be some sort of off-world safety switch that means that the person is ready to see the truth. The supernormal; experience can be very unsettling and disturbing to some so the technology is not recommended for anyone under any type of medical or psychiatric care.
The X Path book said that the glitch is what is needed to activate the next technology called the Tactical Time-Door where the supernatural effects are even more profound. It is here, inside this portal, that the person will experience their real-reality for a period of time. So shocking, that even a glimpse of it is enough to change the person’s life forever.
In the beginning the Time-Door Tech was tested behind closed doors and used on a small group to make sure of its safety. After numerous beta tests it appears that the technology is safe as it will only operate if one had experienced the Time-Anchor glitch. How and why that works we do not know as our science is not there yet. We just know that it does. The Time-Door technology appears to be thousands of years ahead of our time.