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Documentary Graphics Package – Private Review Area





Styleframe – Element Test Treatments

The virtual elements of the P.R.O.D. Universe may be treated in different stylistic ways.  A series of rough tests were produced using both realistic 3D treatments , as well as stylistic 3D outline treatments.


Rough Concept Set A – “Candy Dreams”

Keywords:  Psychedelic, Candy, Synthetic, Bubbly, Pop-Culture, Goddess, Golden, Luxury, Idol, Glossy, Mannequin, Fortune

In this concept, we are placing the viewer into the deep subconscious of the streaming stars of YY, quickly flashing dystopic pop-culture frames that might exist somewhere in the dark dreams they have of their streaming psychedelic world.  The bright colors reflect Shen Man’s world of pink chairs, pink webcam, & pink makeup kits.   The showroom interface is reflective of the traditional YY interface, but with a candy-like glossy overlay.  Everything has the feeling of candy, the sweet seductive top layer of the virtual streaming world, with the darker aspects suppressed below.

[Rough #A_1]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Digital Avatar

The digital avatar is a symbol of the elevated streaming star, resembling a mannequin or a synthetic princess and surrounded by virtual gifts – it communicates the pop-culture facade of the streaming universe. 

[Rough #A_2]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Desire Cat 

The fortune cat (popular in both Chinese & Japanese Culture) beckons with it’s paw, signifying good fortune ahead.  In the context of our movie, we might use this lucky symbol to depict the fortune sought by the stars of the streaming world, but in a strangely pink & pop-culture fashion – bearing the word “Desire” on it’s porcelain body. 

[Rough #A_3]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Desire Lollipop

The lollipop is one of the most memorable virtual gifts of the streaming world, and it plays an important part of symbolizing the sweet & artificial image of the star’s lives, but is deceptively unhealthy for the mind and body.


[Rough #A_4]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – VIP Users

The VIPs are the faceless figures that appear as vested users within the streaming universe, and in this approach we’ll portray them as 3D avatars with no expression, the blank-faced anonymous fans that rank at the top of the hierarchy.


[Rough #A_5]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Datascape

The streaming world might be portrayed as a datascape, resembling glossy blocks of candy, like a synthetic landscape of shiny desire.

[Rough #A_6]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Showroom Interface

The streaming showroom interface may be approached as a series of transparent, glossy panels (each of which can flip over or zoom in and out in order to change or communicate information useful for the story).  The virtual gift area could exist as a kind of holographic interactive projection, with the act of gift-giving being represented by holographic visuals.  The vip line may move left to right, indicating a constant flux of users in and out of the showroom.  The ribbon elements and princess motifs speak to the decadence and royal-like hierarchy that exists in the streaming world.

(*Note: Panel elements & information are for temporary purposes at this time) 

[Rough #A_7]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Crude A.R. Composite

A crude test projection of the possible interface in verite.

Rough Concept Set B – “Star Games”

Keywords:  Golden, Video-Game, Hunger-Games, Propaganda, Synthetic, Holographic, Pop-Culture, Idol, Luxury, Idol, 3D, Hallucination

In this concept, the streaming world resembles the “gamification” of life on the internet, with shiny golden/metallic surfaces and grid display systems similar to something existing in a video game.  Using some of the strong visual elements from Concept A, this world is much more 3D and multidimensional.   This realm was designed with the “Hunger Games” in mind – bright propaganda-like elements float in a dense 3D environment that feels like a an actual game.  

[Rough #B_1]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Shen Man’s Chair 

In this frame, Shen Man’s pink chair is given an almost other-worldly quality, like a queen or a princess throne, but in a virtual world where user data circles around her and a digital crown hovers above.  A pixelated video wall display of Shen Man fills the background, like an overwhelming LCD display.

[Rough #B_2]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Streaming Microphone 

The microphone is an important element in the streaming world, and giving it a magical quality, surrounded by digital gifts, adds to the dystopian nature of this synthetic world where people broadcast their real-world talents for virtual gifts that do not exist. 

[Rough #B_3]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Possible Universe Treatment 

This frame experiments with a possible use of the golden metallic floors as the boundaries of the streaming universe, with infinite rows of Shen Man video windows broadcasting out over the Internet. 

[Rough #B_4]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Life as a Game

This frame illustrates how the world reflects that of a video game, with golden floors, disorienting color shifts, and, and digital gifts appearing like video game level-up items.

[Rough #B_5]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – VIP Characters

We might illustrate the VIPs as characters in this synthetic world, arriving to offer up holographic gifts.

[Rough #B_6]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Virtual Car Arrival

Perhaps key hero scenes. Show a virtual car (shown here as a wireframe) glitch into the streaming holospace.

[Rough #B_7]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Showroom Interface – Front View

The showroom interface features custom designed information panels, mixed with screen-captured YY video chat panels stylized to fit into our new streaming world.  This approach allows us to maintain the spirit of the actual YY world, will also adding our own storytelling layer.  The VIP room below the video feed is intended to feel like a ceremony, a royal event fit for a streaming princess. 

(*Note: Panel elements & information are for temporary purposes at this time)

[Rough #B_8]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Crude A.R. Composite

A crude test projection of the possible interface in verite.

Rough Concept Set C – “Streaming City”

Keywords:  High Fashion / Haute Couture, Virtual City, Projection, Holographic, Pop-Culture, Virtual Concert, Commodity, Virtual Prison

In this concept, we portray the streaming world as a city made of glass data….very fragile with high-fashion style elements lighting up the real darkness that exists underneath.  Holographic cubic displays show off the virtual showrooms like hovering concert platforms, broadcasting larger than life displays of these synthetic personalities.  Avatars appear like virtual prisoners of this digital trap of a lifestyle. Walls of streaming chat data fill the air like streaming waterfalls of user action.

[Rough #C_1]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Avatar Projection

In this frame, we show the virtual avatar, a glassy idol hovering like a fashion display inside walls of streaming data & holographic virtual gift matrices.

[Rough #C_2]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Avatar Projection 2

In this frame, we show the virtual avatar, a glassy idol hovering like a fashion display inside walls of streaming data & holographic virtual gift matrices.

[Rough #C_3]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Virtual Stream

The signals broadcast out into the streaming universe might look like bright cubes of data lighting up the darkness of the true reality underneath.

[Rough #C_4]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Test – Showroom Environment

In this frame, we explore the possible portrayal of the dual showrooms in a competition context.

[Rough #C_5]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Big Lee – Showroom Intro

Test intro to masculine virtual showroom at an angle.

[Rough #C_6]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Shen Man – Showroom Intro

Test intro to feminine virtual showroom at an angle.

[Rough #C_7]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Showroom Display

The Showroom Interface (Feminine) consists of mega-cube broadcasting the streaming star’s video out across a virtual landscape, with backlit walls of streaming data (screen-captured from actual YY chat sessions to bring in the true spirit of the streaming world into the stylized one in an authentic way).

[Rough #C_8]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Showroom Display [Masculine]

The Showroom Interface (Masculine) consists of mega-cubes broadcasting the streaming star’s video out across a virtual landscape, with backlit walls of streaming data (screen-captured from actual YY chat sessions to bring in the true spirit of the streaming world into the stylized one in an authentic way).  By using actual streaming room action, we will build an accurate representation of this world, and highlight important action using custom-designed panels of data. 

(*Note: Panel elements & information are for temporary purposes at this time)

[Rough #C_9]

P.R.O.D. Universe – Styleframe – Crude A.R. Composite

A crude test projection of the possible interface in verite.

[Showroom Wireframe V1]

A simple wireframe illustrating the rough elements of the showroom interface – main view.